Wednesday, December 29, 2010
Mommy meltdown
Monday, December 27, 2010
Ornaments: 0, Keller: 1
1) Too much holiday partying
Ruined stuffed animals around the Christmas tree count: 3
Ruined stocking count: 1 (and it was hers).
Monday, December 6, 2010
o Tannenbaum!
We got our tree on Sunday! We went to Enzenauer Evergreens in Kenyon. It was small farm with not the widest selection, but we did end up getting a white pine. Keller picked it out. Here she is with the sign by the entrance. LOL.
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Summer's over
And then she rolled in some poop to commemorate the occasion.
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
Hot dog!

Keller was pretty good for us, according to Randy's report, while we were away in Florida for 5 days (he also mentioned her keen 6th sense of spotting squirrels 100s of yards she loves little boy underwear...and is apparently afraid of triplets).
Sunday, October 10, 2010
But I don't want to leave.
Much like Keller, I wish camping would last forever. We had such a great time with the Brocks when they joined us at Great River Bluffs State Park Saturday night-Sunday morning. The weather was perfect, the trees were just about peaking, and the company was excellent. Camping is great even when illness strikes - Keller picked up her fair share of ticks (12? 15?), one that bit her being a deer tick. I got sick Saturday, Owen was ill, and the rest remained unharmed. It doesn't matter. What matters is that we had a terrific time and we look forward to another adventure with them again (Keller and Duncan would have to agree). Keller had so much fun she wanted to go home with Duncan, instead.
Friday, October 8, 2010
Time to play Mouse Trap
Monday, October 4, 2010
Teaching Keller new tricks

Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Our camping dog
This is my favorite pic of Keller from our four-day trip to Willow River State Park. Keller spent Thursday, Friday, and Saturday morning with us until we dropped her off at Nonnie and G'pa's for the rest of the weekend so we could go to our wedding. Unfortunately, this wasn't the Boundary Waters and Keller couldn't roam free this trip. But she still had a great time, and had SUCH a good time that she brought back four ticks, three of which I found this morning.
Monday, August 30, 2010
Hugs from Keller

Tuesday, August 17, 2010
Keller's mad canoeing skills
This is merely ironic since my last pictures in my last post were of canoeing. But I found this tonight searching for pictures to submit for the Minnesota 2012 WeatherGuide calendar. This is where Keller got her canoe start...and her mad canoeing skills...when she was barely three months old at Chester Park. What a baby!
Thursday, August 5, 2010
Canoe on, yo!
Have I ever mentioned that Keller has mad canoeing skills? Well, she likes to scoot from side to side, to get the best view. I think she feels like she's going to miss something, otherwise. So all of her 48 pounds forces us to balance the boat pretty quickly, lest we risk tipping. But she is a great companion in the canoe, and also likes her swims. 'Cause who doesn't?
Saturday, July 24, 2010
Stuff to laugh at

Sunday, July 11, 2010
Here's the mail it never makes me want to wag my tail...
Friday, July 9, 2010
Berry pickers
Here's Keller the berry-picking dog. See the smudge of blackcaps across her chin? Just kidding. Oh, that was actually the poop she rolled in yesterday. Some of the most horrific smells in the world.
Monday, June 21, 2010
Dog Park Dog
After Keller and Dave rooted me on at the ice cream eating contest tonight, and after I shoved my face full of calorie & sugar-stuffed ice cream, Dave thought it was Keller, not me, that needed to rid herself of energy. So they went to to the dog park and it was a beautiful night out. Here's our happy puppy. Happy because she chewed up my Chacos today.
Thursday, June 10, 2010
Sunday, May 30, 2010
Keller as flower girl

Tuesday, May 18, 2010
Keller on the webcam
Thursday, May 13, 2010
All wrapped up
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
Steph down...I repeat...Steph down
I actually didn't think about my chin, or teeth, or face, but I did think about the ring since that's the hand I fell on. Vain much?
Time to be put in my place. I'm fine - just mad. Three weeks until the wedding - I cannot have anything happen and have to be better about my clutziness! Keller knows I'm mad too - she went and gave me the "I think I've done something bad" look from the living room. I've been more concerned injuring myself while biking or rollerblading or during more high impact stuff that I never even considered how badly I could injure myself in the next few weeks while standing in my own driveway. Standing in my own driveway!!! #FAIL
(P.S. You may be wondering how the heck I fell over a hurdle running the mile in high school. Well, I'm glad you asked. It was during gym class, and the edge of a hurdle was sticking out into the track about 10 feet from the finish line. My foot caught it and I rolled. Funny nowadays...and such a me thing to do. By the way, I hated running then.)
Thursday, April 29, 2010
T-minus one month!
Saturday, April 24, 2010
Post bachelorette party

My sister is here - she surprised me yesterday by showing up for the bachelorette party!!! Tonight we styled her hair for the wedding and Keller sat and watched the whole time (aside from sleeping for a little of it). Keller approves. Actually, I think she felt threatened by the curling iron, thinking she was next.
Monday, April 19, 2010
Chickens + Keller = spooked
Thursday, April 15, 2010
Keller's counting...6 weeks
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
Scouting for ducks
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
Sad puppy?
We went for a run this morning too and she just wasn't in to it. Actually ran next to me and behind me, not the usual pulling me down the sidewalk.
She came back and crawled on the bed, followed by being scared out of the bedroom by the hair dryer, took shelter under the office desk, and then ended up in the lay-z-boy downstairs, curled up.
Since we rearranged our living room, we were anxious to see if she'd change couches so she could maintain her view out the windows. So far, it's a toss up between the old couch and the lay-z-boy.
Friday, March 26, 2010
Mud puddle trouble = BUSTED
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
1 Year With Keller!

Today is the 1 year anniversary of us getting Keller and the start of this blog! I remember that day so vividly...Dave going to the Humane Society in Coon Rapids after work...we had loaded up the Vibe the night before with the kennel just incase...and when I hadn't heard anything by 6pm I figured it was good news....and then the phone call on his way home...and the little bark in the background...and I realized that our lives were about to become extremely fuzzy and and stinky and fun too. And they have. I remember my excited text to Randy about Duncan having a playmate, going to PetCo and buying a little collar and some chew toys and wanting to get home soooo quick to beat them...and they beat me home...and I pull into the driveway and here's this little yellow furball with Dave on my front lawn wearing a little collar and the homemade orange leash...and she sat and stared at me, all alert, trying to figure me out, and then her butt starting wiggling and the rest of the night she ran around sniffing everything and ran on us and over us and whined when one of us left the room and wouldn't go upstairs and was afraid of SO many things! And that night I didn't sleep because she cried all night long in her kennel. I spent so many nights sleeping in front of that kennel. You've taught us so much Keller - outsmarted me, made me laugh, made me cry, made me giggle, made me proud, made me nearly have a heart attack a few times, made me want to tear my hair out, and made me love you more and more everyday. Here's to one year!
Saturday, March 20, 2010

Keller is on a revenge streak. I think.
She decided to go after my face yesterday. Not on purpose, but she likes to paw at things (furniture, her toys, other dogs, get it). Her nails are pretty sharp too. Wouldn't you know it, the stinker was lying next to me in bed and decided she'd had enough impromptu nap time (sorry pup - I was tired) so up came the paws and right across the face.
Luckily one of the scratches disappeared today, the other one remains. I'm sure to the people at the dog park, it looked as if I had gotten in a mad cat fight or was being my typical sloppy self and left the house with ketchup strewn across face (been there, done that!).
On a different note - this dog was SO muddy today after coming back from our walk to the dog park that I took one look at her and laughed. She reeked and there was no way a towel was going to get her clean, so I knew a bath would unfortunately be the best solution.
Since getting her upstairs is half the battle in the Bathtime Battle, I left her downstairs and went upstairs to pull a sliver out of my finger. Eventually, she trotted upstairs and went into the bedroom. Luckily, with quick thinking, I caught her as she was eyeing up the bed and was about to assume "jump up" position. So - I threw her in the tub and washed her. All by myself. Anyone who owns a dog that hates bathtime knows the achievement this is. She sat and sulked the whole bath.
But just because revenge is sweet, when she was all suds-ed up, she decided to give me the whole shake-a-roo, and dirty, soapy scud went flying all over.
Afterwards, she assumed her curled up position on the bed, in my spot, head on my pillow, and scowled.
For further revenge, even after over an hour and a half of outdoor exercise today, I came home for supper to find five shoes in the living room: Dave's slippers, my old running shoes, and my previously chewed up winter boot. I have no idea how she got into the downstairs bathroom since that door is always closed when we leave. Magically, she had left the slippers and one of my running shoes alone, but had started to go to town on the others. It could have been worse - my hiking boots and bookbag were in the bathroom too. Then I really would have been ticked!
Seriously? I think she misses Dave.
Thursday, March 18, 2010
Energizer Puppy
Monday, March 1, 2010
Lessons in Parenting
I consider it a mock run at parenting - we've had Keller pup for almost a year now (a year on March 24th!) and while I've been tried and tested MANY times in the course of the past 12 months, the past two days have got me.
The poor dog - barfed four more times yesterday, two in the evening while I was home for work and twice in the middle of the night. I was already having a hard enough time falling asleep, so when I woke up to the sounds of her retching, I should have realized I was in for a night of no sleep.
After she threw up we crawled back into bed and then all I could hear was (what I can only assume was painful - you know how it is) stomach juices churning. They were so loud and she couldn't get comfy. Eventually I let her outside to try to use the .... ladies room? (heh). She didn't want to go back upstairs, and frankly, I didn't want to either, so we made our bed in the living room and tried to sleep. Then I had dreams of having to take her to the emergency vet and the vet in general and all the things that could be wrong with her.
I skipped going to the gym this am - plus, I was way too tired - plus, I didn't want to leave Keller alone - so we went for a gentle walk around our old loop. The air felt different this morning, and it was nice, and soon it will be spring, and soon Keller will feel better, and my lessons in parenting will continue.
Sunday, February 28, 2010
Keller & Santi

Keller usually waits for me at the top of the stairs (Dave always says this) when I'm at work. Apparently she'll go to the top step right before I arrive home. It's funny how they sense those things, or know those things. Anyway, last night apparently Santi and Keller were too tired to go upstairs - they parked it in the front hallway and Lynn caught them patiently waiting for me.
I also have a funny video...see below. These two just go crazy over wanting the same toy and will do anything to get it. Lynn commented it was similar to speed skating (we've been watching a lot of Olympics).
Friday, February 26, 2010
Keller's Company

Tuesday, February 16, 2010
Happy Puppy Face
Sunday, February 14, 2010
New Bed

Also, this is my new bed. I like my new bed. But I still like my old bed better, especially when mom and or dad are sleeping in it.
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
Keller + Snow = Love
Then...and where was my camera?...she started sniffing along the fence. Her head went under the snow and all you could see was a back and butt sticking up in the air as she navigated her way along the fence, snowplowing the snow over her head. Then she popped up and she looked like a powdered sugar puppy doughnut. :)
Friday, February 5, 2010
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
Chewing Monster In The House
Sunday, January 24, 2010
Sunday, January 17, 2010
Saturday, January 16, 2010
Nearly 1!
Wednesday, January 13, 2010

We had Adam and Pete down for supper last Monday (Pete had a meeting at Mayo the next AM) and I had made chili and cornbread. Good stuff. The next morning the three of us (and Keller) hung out after Pete got back and Dave headed to work. Adam tried to get Keller to warm up to sharing treats (not really in a unique way). (They were bacon flavored, after all...)..