Keller had her 4 month check up today - see left - that's her "I don't know if I wanna be here or not" look - she's up to 26 pounds! (I think a little more...I couldn't get her to sit on the scale very well). She also got her last round of core vaccines, was dewormed for the last time, had a fun and fine stool sample check, got her first lyme vaccine, and, of greatest importance, is now a LEGAL Rochester dog-citizen! She got her rabies and her tags. Woohoo!!
Afterwards, Keller helped me with some shopping. We bought some flowers, and some groceries because Lynn and Glen are coming tomorrow, and Dave is coming home too!, and then we went to PetCo. I had some coupons and I thought she deserved a treat after going through all that today!
So we got some new Nylabones and a free pound of treats from the Treat Bar!! YUM! Some of them I wanted to eat! Keller got spoiled by one of the dog trainers there. Everyone says she is so well-behaved (but they don't see her 24/7...heehee)
Oh, she has seriously chewed a gaping hole in one of the dog gates. We're going to go hit up some garage sales tomorrow to see if we can find some stronger ones. She's not destructive in the house when she breaks out of the bathroom...at least not yet.
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