What the heck? Where have 2 months gone? To the day, almost, the last I blogged. I am so ridiculous...
School has a hold on me this semester, although I have one of two classes ending this week.
Keller had her 3rd birthday last month! My baby girl is growing up. She's now of legal age to drink, so I'm sure her and Dave have beers each night I'm gone at class (or she hides the empty bottles in the back room where the flooring is still ongoing...she doesn't hide them very well).

Since the weather, like me, has been ridiculous the past two months, we've done a lot of running outside. Keller also fought a major sickness right after Christmas, with days of vomiting and pooping blood. Since, we've taken away all rawhide toys and limited her to certain toys. She's not liking this, even with new toys, because she's chewing up way more fun stuff - like my running shoes and mouth retainer. So, I had to buy new shoes. You can see she clearly wants to devour both pairs.

Finally, I leave you with a fun picture I snapped on Friday. I have fallen five times this winter running, have run in crappy cold weather, crappy foggy/sleety weather, crappy snowy slush weather, and beautiful sunny weather these past two months, and Keller is faithfully ALWAYS beside me...but usually ahead of me, telling me to get my big hiney moving faster.
Well, those new shoes will help, Keller.