The latter picture is of her hogging the bed at 5:30 in the morning. Observe the wonky sleeping position...whatever floats your boat, Keller. We didn't want her on the bed since we got our new, nice wedding-gift bedding, but I get lonely when Dave is gone. Actually, she usually goes to bed on her own bed, and 6/10 times I happen to find her stretched out next to me in the middle of the night. Then when I get up to use the restroom, I come back and find her parked right on my pillow. At least she keeps it warm....
Our plan for Sunday is to do some AM cooking in the kitchen. I have plucked 3 dozen cherry tomatoes, a few plum tomatoes, some early girl tomatoes, about 5 eggplants, various peppers, and my herb garden has exploded (I have 3 big herb gardens, so this is saying that I should go into business). Anyway, I have a yummy veggie lasagna planned. Keller helped me make curried tofu and vegan tacos last week. What a good sous-chef!