Thursday, April 29, 2010
T-minus one month!
One month to go!!!!! Headed to MSP to pick up Dave and then we're on the road to Neenah for my bridal shower tomorrow. Wooo!!!
Saturday, April 24, 2010
Post bachelorette party

My sister is here - she surprised me yesterday by showing up for the bachelorette party!!! Tonight we styled her hair for the wedding and Keller sat and watched the whole time (aside from sleeping for a little of it). Keller approves. Actually, I think she felt threatened by the curling iron, thinking she was next.
Keller was very good for the party - I apparently missed this during the night, but I heard she enjoyed two rounds of licking goat cheese off Erin W's fingers.
Monday, April 19, 2010
Chickens + Keller = spooked
Our friend Bob has a friend who has Urban Chickens. He lives in MPLS and has chickens in his back yard. I hadn't seen this around here (meaning, Rochester) until the other day.
Keller and I are were out on a jaunt on the trail that goes up the hill on 50th Ave NW and then after about 1/5 of a mile on 65th ST NW, goes back down the hill, through a nice residential neighborhood. By the way (tangent): it's one of my favorite trails in town because on the east side it's houses, but on the west side of the trail, it's all open, rolling fields. Dave first discovered it last year and Keller loves it - he'd usually come home and take Keller "up the hill" to run off some energy. In the winter, it was a double workout, because you'd have to punch through snow up to your knees to move up there. There's a small mountain that Dave nicknamed "The Ant Hill" that Keller likes to run up and you can look over the city from. It's pretty cool.
Anyway, we usually let her off her leash and let her go hog wild on that trail, so that's what I did as usual the other day. Keller runs up to this one house's small looking shed that backs up right to the trail, sniffs around it, and all of a sudden, MAJOR MOHAWK and LUNGE backwards. The mohawk gets bigger and she advances, in trepidation, back toward the shed. More scuttling backwards. Just when I think the mohawk can't get any bigger, it does. Here to find out, the small shed is a chicken coup, and there's about a dozen chickens inside clucking around. Keller is freaked. I nearly died laughing. It reminded me of the movie "Homeward Bound" where the dog Chance or whatever his name was finds the porcupine or something, or skunk. Just hilarious.
Yesterday we went out for a run, post Hoff canceling our run due to allergies. Keller had been lagging most of it, tired from a play date with Santi the day before. We were about 3 miles into it and I wasn't quite sure how much further she'd go, but I pushed her a little more up the hill to go home. On 50th Ave, I see Dave's car go by, and he waves. I say to Keller, "Where's dad? Is that daddy?" and those magical words never fail. She perked right up and bolted the rest of the way home.
Never fail to get a laugh out of Keller's crazy antics. :)
Thursday, April 15, 2010
Keller's counting...6 weeks
Keller has 6 weeks to learn NOT to jump up on me on my wedding day. She also has 6 weeks to learn that ducks/birds/squirrels in the near vicinity/Mississippi River are NOT to be chased after.
I giggle out of sorry-ness (yes, I just made up that word) for the person/people that wind/s up taking her to dog park on the morning of our wedding. They'll spend 5 hours trying to tire her out. :)
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
Scouting for ducks
Keller is a bird dog. Unfortunately or fortunately. Keller and I sat and watched the ducks in the backyard this morning. She didn't even whine or whimper or try to go through the window. Just sat there in her prairie dog position and watched intently.
She hasn't been feeling well the past couple of days, mainly throwing up in the morning. Yesterday and today she did right after eating the grass by the base of the pine tree out back. I know she's throwing up the grass because that's all she's throwing up. We're also still having problems with her right ear and she's still shaking her head alot. Aside from cleaning it every day and I started the drops up again, I don't know what else to do. Sorry, pups. We're still a month out from her yearly check up.
We are going to stay away from the north dog park again today, however. She loves the mud puddle there and it is a swarming pool of infectious crap, most likely. She laps it up too, rolls, lays, and does whatever in it, and aside from it smelling nasty, I wouldn't be surprised if it's making her sick. So I took her to the south dog park yesterday and she swam and swam and swam in the creek!
We went on two walks yesterday and two walks on Monday, too. Last night we called in a small fire on 65th street NW. It wasn't huge, but it certainly looked odd. It was the remnants of an old tree, from what I could tell, and at between the farm field and road. It was really windy, so we were watching the embers flare up and blow away and the flames would billow up again. Anyway, the firefighters liked Keller. I would have felt guilty walking away from it and then it starting a wildfire or something.
For now we're going to go outside and plant some flowers.
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
Sad puppy?
Keller is sad today, I think. I think she misses Dave. Last night she kept looking at the front door, waiting for him to come home. He stayed in Bloomington last night. We went to bed and I let her sleep me with, and this morning we got up at 6 am and went back to sleep for another hour. She curled up right next to me and sighed...several
We went for a run this morning too and she just wasn't in to it. Actually ran next to me and behind me, not the usual pulling me down the sidewalk.
She came back and crawled on the bed, followed by being scared out of the bedroom by the hair dryer, took shelter under the office desk, and then ended up in the lay-z-boy downstairs, curled up.
Since we rearranged our living room, we were anxious to see if she'd change couches so she could maintain her view out the windows. So far, it's a toss up between the old couch and the lay-z-boy.
We went for a run this morning too and she just wasn't in to it. Actually ran next to me and behind me, not the usual pulling me down the sidewalk.
She came back and crawled on the bed, followed by being scared out of the bedroom by the hair dryer, took shelter under the office desk, and then ended up in the lay-z-boy downstairs, curled up.
Since we rearranged our living room, we were anxious to see if she'd change couches so she could maintain her view out the windows. So far, it's a toss up between the old couch and the lay-z-boy.
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