Countdown to Keller's Birthday

PitaPata Dog tickers

Friday, December 11, 2009

Keller = Rowdy?

These are from the going away party for Beth (not pictured) who decided to move to Fargo. Bob and Trudy and her (all roommates) threw a "Moving Mitzvah!" party for her, and among other things, we spun the dradle and danced (right picture, Keller included!).

Yes, I can still pick up my puppy. I was also informed by Rob that it appears that I am holding a stuffed dog. Anyone that watches Scrubs will immediately agree with me when I say that it looks like I am holding a stuffed Rowdy.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

St. Nick makes a visit

Keller gets a gift from St. Nick! Look at that sweet tooth...she tries to dive right in! lol....

Keller also does not like this cold (-20 to -30 wind chills). Who can blame her? I tried to take her to the dog park today, but we got there and found the parking lot not even plowed yet. So I parked across the street, but by the time we walked there, she was limping. So we turned back. She loves bouncing in the snow, just not this cold. Poor pup. At least Santi wore her out, because she's been extremely mellow today, which is good. :)

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

SNOWMAGEDDON!!!!! Keller style

The biggest snowfall Keller has ever seen in her young life...all 12" of it, plus drifts. She can barely get through it!

Sunday, December 6, 2009

O Tannenbaum!

Keller is a little weirded out by the new strange creature in our living room. Ah, fresh balsam fir that's NOT a chew toy, dog!